Our History
In a glance
We had been a private Half-way House from July 1999 to March 2023. During that period, we provide shelter, rehabilitative program as well as mover jobs to help ex-drug addicts overcome their addictive habits through our faith. We run mover business to self-support our ministry.
Click here to link to “Watchman’s Home Enterprise Pte Ltd” website.
Restructuring happened in April 2023, with the closing of the enterprise. In May 2023, we kicked off the charity “Watchman’s Home Community Services Ltd’.

In chronological order
From July 1999 to September 2018
“Watchman’s Home” existed since July 1999. The founder, Pastor Chua Chin Seng was an overcomer on drug addiction and he started the halfway house to help those who face drug addictions and substance abuse.
From October 2018 to March 2023
Pastor Tobin Toh took over the Halfway-house in September 2018 and incorporated it as a private limited, “Watchman’s Home Enterprise Pte Ltd” (UEN: 201833380C). It was also registered as a Social Enterprise under raiSE (The Singapore Centre for Social Enterprise) in 2019. In the same year, Ps Tobin had in mind to form a charity and incorporated a separate entity called “Watchman Home Ltd” as a CLG in 2019. Due to covid outbursts in 2020, the CLG was not kicked off.
The rehabilitative program includes bible study every morning. There is also work therapy which they can participate in mover, cleaning activities to equip them with job skill to re-integrate into the society.
April 2023
The “Watchman’s Home Enterprise Pte Ltd” closed its business activity.
The New Chapter begins in May 2023…
May 2023
The CLG “Watchman Home Ltd” that was formed in 2019, was renamed as “Watchman’s Home Community Services Ltd’ (UEN: 201919436D) and it was approved as a Charity by MCCY in Dec 2022. In May 2023, we kicked off the community services.
We have relocated three times since year 1999:
- Lor 25 Geylang – we stayed for 3 months
- Merpati – we stayed for 3 years
- Topaz Road – we stayed for 8 years
- Upper Changi Road North – we stayed from 2009 till now